Risk Management Lifecycle


The Information Security Office facilitates formal, ongoing risk assessments for software, services, and other high-value information resources that need a regular security check-up. Security Assessments and Risk Assessments help assess, document, and manage security risks posed to university information resources. Each serve a different purpose in the risk management lifecycle.

Security Assessments

Security Assessments are conducted by the ISO before things like systems, services, and software are set up and put into use. The ISO reviews information about how a service will be used, what data it will handle, how it can protect that information, and what risks it may present to the university. The ISO then creates a data security plan to help ensure the service can be used safely. Security Assessments are also performed as needed for reasons including: changes in services, updates to service agreements, and changes to law or policy.

Risk Assessments

Risk Assessments are a separate process from Security Assessments. Risk Assessments are completed by Information Resource Owners and Custodians to provide the ISO with up-to-date information about status of certain details and safeguards for existing information systems. Participation in Risk Assessments is required by university policy and state law. 

Information Security Glossary

The information security glossary is a searchable and filterable glossary of terms and definitions we use in all aspects of our work. Familiarize yourself with this terminology to deepen your understanding of information security at Texas State University.